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On Jan 7, 2007, at 1:11 PM, Nick Guenther wrote:

I would too, but I remember a while back (but cannot find the message
now) Theo saying that WPA gives a false sense of security and that it
would never be implemented. He didn't explain why. Does anyone else
remember this?

"The problem with this junk is not about security. It's about being
able to access them at all. It is becoming harder to find open networks because people are acting like this shit is secure. So you get WPA code, and voila, you can route out their nets. They think it gives them 'wire-security on wireless' -- but they still want it open. Ok, fine, so leave it open. You can't do real security with that WPA

Pretty sure that's what you're thinking of.


They do not preach that their God will rouse them a little before the nuts work loose.

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