Nick Guenther wrote:
> I would too, but I remember a while back (but cannot find the message
> now) Theo saying that WPA gives a false sense of security and that it
> would never be implemented. He didn't explain why. Does anyone else
> remember this?
> -Nick


I'm certainly not a security expert to discuss if it is secure or not.
For me, the thought was that it is more an accessibility feature.
It is getting difficult to find non WPA enabled networks at different
places. I'm not able nor qualified to say WPA is secure or not ...

This is another discussion, but some features like this one, could,
perhaps, be sponsored via some kind of "user-funded development/features".

I have been reading articles and I understood that the openbsd
developers don't want to get told what they have to do or not. I really
do respect and understand this attitude.
BUT ;-), it would be nice if they "officially" have some kind of user
sponsored stuff that is not on top of "their" priority list or requires
more money/hardware. If user wants these specific features they are able
to sponsor it, by making "more" donations for a specific feature.

For example:
a) APCI (actually there have been a lot of development lately ... it is
only a sample ;-))
b) WPA
c) etc ....

I can only talk for me. I hope this won't start some kind of flaming
I actually make donations (money / hardware) from time to time and I
don't expect any specific features and I'm ok with that.

If there were some user sponsored features. The developers would decide,
"ok if the user want this", they can get it faster by sponsoring it.
This features requires for example 10.000 dollars or 2 laptops and 3
servers, you can donate here"; where you
would have for example "wpa donation" or "acpi donation" etc ...

Of course, when the money or the hardware is available to the developers
their would be "no" time frame to release it. It would get in the cvs
tree when it's ready.

May be users would spend more and even regularly. I would actually
"WITHOUT" stopping other donations via (CDs, shirts or (neutral) ;-)
money donations).

Kind regards,

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