I can't seem to get the -batch to work.
What I want, is to create user $stuid and group $stuid; of course put the
user into their group; with a password $STUD.

I have tried tens of combinations, but I don't get there, yet.
I follow the two examples at the end of the man pages and do something
adduser -unencrypted -batch $stuid $stuid $STUD
, but it wouldn't:
Group ``rr09876'' does not exist
I leave out one of the $stuid; along the example
Create user ``falken'' and login group ``falken''.  Invite user
``falken'' into groups ``guest'', ``staff'', and ``beer''.  Realname
(fullname) is ``Prof. Falken''.  Password is ``joshua'' [...]
# adduser -batch falken guest,staff,beer 'Prof. Falken' joshua
and it still wouldn't. The only thing that I get to work is
adduser -unencrypted -batch $stuid nobody $STUD
, but that's not what I want. I tried -group $stuid and -group USER, but
then it always doesn't like the non-existing group '-group'.
I also tried the third example, which looks quite different, (I leave out
all the variations), still, no success.
I wonder, if the examples are clear; to me not.

Yes, I have tried Google, but essentially end at the examples from the man

Thanks for any help,


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