> Some recent CD: The 4.0 release CD and snapshots from Nov. 12, 2006 or
 > later should boot fine, a few snapshots between that didn't work. You
 > don't need a -current boot CD to install a -current (or snapshot) file
 > set.

The CD I tried was a home grown snapshot of -current from October
That may fall into your "a few snapshots between that didn't work"
period.   I'm building a new one now and will give it a try.

I don't have a bluetooth keyboard to play with.   I can, however,
make a bsd.rd that has ACPI it that's what it takes.   Time to
play some more.

 > A 75 ohm resistor (100 ohm works also) as load between pin 2 and pin 7
 > of a 15 pin highdensity D-SUB male connector (with DVI to VGA adapter)
 > or between pin C2 and C5 of a 29 pin DVI male connector as a dongle
 > for the DVI/VGA port (that's between analog green and analog ground,
 > 75 ohm is the standard load for that output pin). Just plug in the
 > dongle and the mini will boot happily also without a monitor. :-)

Time to scrounge around for a connector.  Maybe a trip to Fry's is in

// marc

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