"Tasmanian Devil" writes:
 > > Well, at least theoretically, one could just replace the install script
 > > by one that does whatever you want it to, without asking any questions.
 > Maybe that's easier than building an ACPI enabled bsd.rd?

No, building an ACPI enabled bsd.rd was quite easy.  It took more tries
to build a working bsd for the running system -- just adding ACPI and
MP to the generic kernel does NOT work with -current code -- than it did
to get a working bsd.rd.

However, the system dies under load.   Took be about 4 tries to complete
a build on the box.   The lack of a keyboard under ddb doesn't make debugging
easy.  So I turned of ddb to get a crash but forgot to relocate /var/crash.
Dumb, /var wasn't big enough.   Then I got a crash, but had erased the bsd.gdb
that went with it.  Next time I build a new kernel I'll look at the dumps.

// marc

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