On Wed, Nov 22, 2006 at 08:19:33AM +0100, Dr. Harry Knitter wrote: > sometimes I get the right resolution (1280x1024) sometimes only standard > vga (600x480). > > How can I tweak my system to get a reliable KDM with a resolution of > 1280x1024?
I'm not sure exactly when, but at some point something appears to have changed. These days I find I generally have to have my monitor plugged into my OpenBSD boxes while they're booting if I want to get the correct resolution otherwise I get 640x480 (previously I'm reasonably sure that X used to respect my preferred resolution no matter what). This works across the board: on my KVM switch I have to ensure the monitor focus is on the booting box; on my laptops I have to boot the machine plugged into the data projector etc. I use KDM as well, but I've tried turning that off and the same thing (unsurprisingly) has happend - I don't think it has anything to do with KDM in my case at least. Laurie -- http://tratt.net/laurie/ -- Personal http://convergepl.org/ -- The Converge programming language http://sosym.dcs.kcl.ac.uk/ -- Software and Systems Modelling Team