Am Mittwoch, 22. November 2006 10:59 schrieb Laurence Tratt:
> On Wed, Nov 22, 2006 at 08:19:33AM +0100, Dr. Harry Knitter wrote:
> > sometimes I get the right resolution (1280x1024) sometimes only standard
> > vga (600x480).
> >
> > How can I tweak my system to get a reliable KDM with a resolution of
> > 1280x1024?
> I'm not sure exactly when, but at some point something appears to have
> changed. These days I find I generally have to have my monitor plugged into
> my OpenBSD boxes while they're booting if I want to get the correct
> resolution otherwise I get 640x480 (previously I'm reasonably sure that X
> used to respect my preferred resolution no matter what). This works across
> the board: on my KVM switch I have to ensure the monitor focus is on the
> booting box; on my laptops I have to boot the machine plugged into the data
> projector etc. I use KDM as well, but I've tried turning that off and the
> same thing (unsurprisingly) has happend - I don't think it has anything to
> do with KDM in my case at least.
> Laurie
> -- 
>    -- Personal
>      -- The Converge programming language
> -- Software and Systems Modelling Team

Thanks, you gave me the right hint. 
It really depends on the KVM switch. When the OpenBSD box has the monitor 
focus KDM is displayed with the desired resolution.

Thanks again


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