I have never used AJAX, but I think you could use it with OpenBSD.
AJAX stands for Asynchronous Javascript And XML. Javascript runs clientside and to serve the xml part you can use virtually any scripting language (php, python, perl, ruby.....) and most of them run on OpenBSD. You should have no problems at al.

Floor Terra

On Oct 24, 2006, at 7:55 AM, Sam Fourman Jr. wrote:

Just a Quick Question,

I have been searching for a direct answer to:

is it possible to have a AJAX enabled Website hosted on OpenBSD?

the reason why I am asking is because Apache is version 1.3.x (due to
licencing issues).
if not Maybe there is another http server that would support it?

*if* the answer in large part is no, maybe it should be considered a
question for the OpenBSD FAQ?

Sam Fourman Jr.

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