Sam, the easiest way for you would probably
to use the stock Apache 1.3.x coming with
OpenBSD and then the CGI::Ajax Perl module
(just install it using "perl -MCPAN -e shell;"  ):

On 10/24/06, Sam Fourman Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
my next question is Would it be Possible to use AJAX from a CGI made
with C running from Apache that Ships w/ OpenBSD?

On 10/24/06, Ryan McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 24, 2006 at 12:55:09AM -0500, Sam Fourman Jr. wrote:
> > is it possible to have a AJAX enabled Website hosted on OpenBSD?
> Yes
> > the reason why I am asking is because Apache is version 1.3.x (due to
> > licencing issues).
> > if not Maybe there is another http server that would support it?
> AJAX not a particular server-side technology, but rather a set of
> techniques and tools for building interactive web applications. Most of
> the "magic" happens on the client side.
> Depending on what programming language you're using on the server side,
> there may be AJAX specific modules or frameworks. For example there
> appear to at least be some perl AJAX frameworks in our ports tree. Other
> languages may have similar tools.


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