On 2006/10/17 02:54, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> I just like to know (some have already 4.0 stable and propably also a
>> pgt-Card) if that Bug was already fixed in 4.0-Stable (because I4ve
>learn your way around the tree and save yourself some time...

Your comment is pointless.
I don4t see a fix for 4.0 STABLE but for current.

I`m interested to know if I would be able to use my card with 4.0 and not
if I can use my card with 4.0-current. (may sounds rude but I don4t mean
it that rude, realy).


No patch nor a comment for the stuff I`ve noticed (but the 4.0 branch is
the branch I`m looking at if I propably find somethign suspicious). That`s
why I wrote the mail. Propably the patch for pgt gets added to 4.0

But thanks for your suggestiion. I saw it was noticed 3 days ago by the
developers and a patch was submitted to current.

Kind regards,

After I recompiled (-r OPENBSD_4_0) the OS I noticed that loading the
firmware works fine. But the OS crashs still if I rmeove the card.
I`ll retry if I get the "official" 4.0 and then I`ll propably mail my
experience to the developers (yeah include hopelly every info they`ll
need) to help them to trace the Bug (if it still exists, who knows).

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