Has anyone set up a GPS to serve as a ntp source yet?  Care to share any 
insights gained?  Thanks.


<inserts USB GPS device>
uplcom0 at uhub1 port 4
uplcom0: Prolific Technology PL2303 Serial, rev 1.10/2.02, addr 4
ucom0 at uplcom0
# nmeaattach cuaU0
# sysctl hw.sensors.30
hw.sensors.30=nmea0, GPS, 0.77 secs, OK, Fri Oct  6 21:23:53.453
# echo 'sensor nmea0' > /etc/ntpd.conf
# date
Fri Oct  6 21:29:29 EDT 2006
# date 35
Fri Oct  6 21:35:00 EDT 2006
# sysctl hw.sensors.30
hw.sensors.30=nmea0, GPS, 281.16 secs, OK, Fri Oct  6 21:35:28.815
# ntpd -ds
ntp engine ready
sensor nmea0 added
sensor nmea0: offset -280.827497
no reply received in time, skipping initial time setting
sensor nmea0: offset -280.817099
sensor nmea0: offset -280.817388
sensor nmea0: offset -280.841698
sensor nmea0: offset -280.843981
sensor nmea0: offset -280.829276
sensor nmea0: offset -280.840579
This goes on forever and the time is never actually adjusted according
to the timedelta. The timedelta seems to be working quite well, but
ntpd isn't adjusting according to it. What am I doing wrong?
I think it would be very useful to make a note about nmeaattach(8) in
nmea(4) I almost couldn't find the darn thing.
Index: nmea.4
RCS file: /cvs/src/share/man/man4/nmea.4,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -r1.9 nmea.4
--- nmea.4      3 Sep 2006 18:26:05 -0000       1.9
+++ nmea.4      7 Oct 2006 01:22:36 -0000
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@
.Xr tty 4 ,
+.Xr nmeaattach 8 ,
.Xr ntpd 8 ,
.Xr sysctl 8


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