On Fri, 6 Oct 2006, Bob Beck wrote: > Unfortunately, fixing the government while maintaining the universal > democracy that is practically insisted upon by the USA as world > uber-cop makes that a very difficult task. Democracy gets you the
wait, wait, it's only insisted on as long as you aren't a Central Asian Republic, then the curent US Gov't administration gives them as much time as required to achieve "democracy". SNIP > While the west got to get "working" "democratic" government > up and running while effectively preventing the unwashed masses from > voting, thereby giving them time to get things in place to > educate the same before allowing it. The same is typically > frowned upon in third world countries when the "you must have > democracy" stick has the carrot hung to it or is shoved up > the victim's nether regions as the case may be. Education is > the only thing that mitigates the manipulation of the electorate > by those seeking office.