I have used MBs from both of these manufacturers.
Not with OBSD and not with AMD.
I have found that both make quality server boards.
The difference I have seen is that Tyan has had some quality control
I had a string of boards from them that had problems with the serial ports
while the rest of the board functioned properly.Tyan replaced the defective
boards in a timely manner so I remain a fan of Tyan.
I have never had any problem with a SuperMicro board. I have built several
quad Xeon servers with them and the only problem encountered was a redundant
power supply failure in a SuperMicro system.  No board problems. I don't
think you could go wrong by selecting a product from either of these

On 8/6/06, Darrin Chandler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, I've got it narrowed down a bit. Anyone have experiences good or bad
> to report with Tyan versus Supermicro mobos? I find archives for people
> using one or the other, so they both seem workable. Anyone used both and
> prefer one for some reason? I'm looking at 2xCPU, and maybe dual-core in
> addition.
> Any help *greatly* appreciated!
> --
> Darrin Chandler            |  Phoenix BSD Users Group
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  http://bsd.phoenix.az.us/
> http://www.stilyagin.com/  |

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