Heinrich Rebehn wrote:
> I want to build a WLAN router using a WRAP board running OpenBSD.
> I am still unsure which wlan interface to use. I considered the CM9
> (ath(4)).
> My question: are there still problems with the 802.11g (54 Mbit) mode?
> http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/openbsd/2005-12/0192.html
> Also, the CM9 seems to use the 5213 chipset, which the manpage does
> not mention. Is it also supported?
> Or are there better choices?

It appears, at this time, ral is the best choice on OpenBSD.  However,
you might run into ral driver issues, noted at
ut+openbsd+3.9&q=b, until a fix is committed.

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