-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hej Rod,
on a side note... Rod.. Whitworth wrote: > Do NOT CC me - I am subscribed to the list. I can't CC you. You're in the "To:" Header when I hit reply. > Replies to the sender address will fail except from the list-server. oh. great! > Your IP address will also be greytrapped for 24 hours after any attempt. Thats evil. Why don't you learn to configure your MUA correctly and use the "Reply-To:" field? If you would set the Reply-To correctly, you could skip your whole signature down here. Everybody hits reply and the mails are going back to the list, because your reply-to would be set to misc@openbsd.org But since you don't configure your MUA, you want us to do your work, replacing the To: field from Rod.. Whitworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to misc@openbsd.org <misc@openbsd.org> BaaH! > I am continually amazed by the people who run OpenBSD who don't take this > advice. I always expected a smarter class. I guess not. Well, I would expect that someone talking about smarter classes is able to configure its own MUA. I don't mind wether you greylist my MTA or not. I suggest to set your Reply-To header correctly and everything is fine (fewer flames in your signature, less complains from others about being greylisted). read: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc0822.txt Cheers so far, Marian iD8DBQFEvIZ0gAq87Uq5FMsRAo39AKC7/hgVsyDJo3auY7s1Hc4qIVhq7QCgoyas FWrHb7FV7sA0q4NGqg239PQ= =NfCd -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----