On Mon, 3 Jul 2006 09:40:01 +0300, "laurent FANIS"

>Couldn't resist asking but can they really patent :
>"sending "formatted" data over SSL" ?
>That is just plain ridiculous !!

As far as I know, at the moment it's only a patent *application* rather
than a granted patent. You can *apply* for a patent on anything you like
but that doesn't mean the patent will be granted.

>If i remember correctly the is also an RFC just for syslog under BSD.
>A lot of devices already have syslog build in (for instance my AP
>piece of crap USR has a syslog function) machines are going to be
>pulled of the market ? That is plain dumb, we are heading for another
>one of those frenzy" lets patent everything".

You a said "another" ? -Unfortunately, the frenzy has never stopped or
even slowed down, instead, it's only continued to grow worse.


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