L. V. Lammert wrote:
It's obvious you have never tried to export anything from the US with more horsepower than a 386! ANY current technology on the 'watch list' cannot LEAVE the country with about a weeks worth of work with the State Deparement, Customs, et al.
If this is the case then my vpn1411 must have slipped through the cracks, because it was exported to me a lot faster than you are implying.
And this still avoids the point - documentation detailing how to utilize Hifn technology is useless without the hardware. I highly doubt that Hifn documents provide details which would allow outsiders to replicate their chips. If the export of the hardware is as tightly controlled as you state then the safeguard is effective. Without the hardware any driver created outside of the USA is useless. When someone shows me a letter from US Customs stating that documentation allowing developers to create interfaces for Hifn products may not be freely exported then I will believe it. Until then it is nothing but smoke and mirrors, and no matter what their excuse, it is going to end up hurting Hifn a lot more than it hurts me or open source if Hifn doesn't find a way to fix it. I'm out $60 + shipping and duties, and I stand to lose nothing more. What does Hifn stand to lose?