--- Gustavo Rios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What we need to keep in mind, is that techincally, just because we
> keep our mind in security for the first concern, it should not take
> as an excuse for delivering slow processing.
> Sacrifice correctness for speed is completing nonsense. I cannot even
> try to understand it: what is the value of a program processing tasks
> fast and devilering wrong results.
> So, the next time some justify openbsd being less faster than X, or
> even Y because of its security oriented models, i wonder that's the
> real motivation behind the scenes.
> One good example, the the qmail, extremely fast and secure. So,
> secure is not a trade off for speed.
> Just my opnions so far.

It's not an excuse, it's a matter of how correctness is done.  As in,
things must be properly error checked, etc.  This requires more
processing time.  So, speed /is/ a sacrific of correctness.

Qmail is "fast" compared to what, sendmail?  That bloated piece of
software with config files the technical equivalent to black voodoo

I'd attribute the faster qmail to a leaner program.

best regards,
Reid Nichol

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