Daniel Ouellet wrote:
Donald J. Ankney wrote:
.... Vendor support is a sometimes criteria.
Well, if the Vendor support is so critical, then you will be better
served with OpenBSD for what they provide in their default system and
that's second to none! By far!
Again do as you see fit and run what you like, but DON'T think using
OpenBSD is a mistakes and that it is NOT supported! That's where many
not using it for that argument are wrong big time.
Thank you!
While I generally agree with most of what Daniel says, I have to
disagree here. I believe Donald's approach is correct...the right tool
for the job. Sometimes the ability to call technical support for a
product is critical.
I recently had a problem with an OBSD router that had been running for
months, then one network card started locking up (an onboard Broadcom).
Completely swapped the server...same issue. I posted the information to
the list, with the appropriate dmesgs, and got nothing. The problem
kept happening and eventually I had to rip the box out and replace it
with something else.
With a vendor (Nortel) I can leverage our existing relationship and get
things done. I've had issues get escalated to Senior VP level at
Nortel....*that* gets things done. Nortel has sent engineers on site
for some very strange errors. Sure, I pay for this support...but I get
I realize that OBSD is developed by the developers and for the
developers, so I can't complain when my questions are not
answered...it's their project. Unfortunately, though, there is one less
OBSD router in the world.
- Re: When would you NOT use OpenBSD? Dan