Antonios Anastasiadis wrote:
well, If you are not happy with the SMP performance in FreeBSD you
won't be in OpenBSD either.
Also, MySQL performance is worse in OpenBSD due to the threading
library used, I would suggest to wait at least until rthreads are
complete and stable if you must make the switch nevertheless.
I have been using it for many years and I wouldn't run it on anything
else thank you! many servers (7 MySQL ONLY) at the last count, and if
you have some issues, may be it would be very wise to spend just a
little bit of time to find out why! I did and I can only tell you that
so far, the ONLY place I don't run OpenBSD is on 25 Cobalt boxes because
it doesn't run on a MIPS in that box and these boxes are mostly for fun
anyway, and on some VoIP servers only because the software there is
design to use specific Solaris stuff! All my other servers, many of them
ONLY run OpenBSD for everything, even routers that replace Cisco!
I am of the opinion like many here that use what's for the job, but so
far, other then the above, I found NO reason not to use it yet!
Even performance is great if you just get down to it! If you use a shit
load of web server for example and that's doesn't keep up with it, well
it doesn't, but even that, I use CARP for sleeping well at night just in
case and load sharing between many servers. Need more for traffic, I
just pop in an other servers and keep going with the same array.
I am not telling to use it for everything, use it for what you see fit,
but I can tell you for my business, I only use it for many years now and
NEVER looked back!
Anytime I had any real issue, I send informations for the bug and it got
fix pretty darn fast thank you!
If I had any issue on performance, I check my setup and configuration.
Most likely I didn't think about it properly.
And you know what!
So, far all the issue and performance impact I have seen ARE in many
cases cause by someone not sticking with the ports packages, or what to
install something else on that box like Apache 2.x etc! Just because the
release of any software is the latest one and someone wants to tell his
friends that he runs the latest of what ever doesn't mean it right! Any
yes, all the knobs tuning shit will affect the performance NEGATIVELY.
So, I still as of today didn't see a single case where not using OpenBSD
affect me negatively yet! I tested the first time with 2.7 and then
started to buy CD's as of 2.9 and stick with it ever since.
All servers run OpenBSD here!
Only exceptions to default software are Qmail instead of sendmail and
DJBDNS instead of bind, but that's about it. And I can tell you,
maintaining the updates on software install with the new packages
sysstem is so darn easy too!
I really got a bit upset with the lists of comments that spread FUD on
the subject. Don't use OpenBSD if you don't want to, but that is NOT
because it is not up to the job by no mean!
Signing off!