I've recently acquired a NC6000 laptop from HP, which I was going to setup with OpenBSD. My first attempt worked perfectly, had X configured and running as well as a few apps under it. However when I tried to get APM to read the battery status, it simply was not able to do so. I figured the problem had to do with the older BIOS on the laptop, so I download and installed the latest version from the HP web site. The new BIOS now has a battery info page whereas it did not before.
This is where things get fun... I tried to boot up my system but OpenBSD crashed almost immediately after the initial boot prompt. Obviously I figured that the BIOS update had something to do with it, but as a test I tried to boot with single user mode - still crashed. Ok, big deal I can just reinstall it... Even when booting off the install CD gives me a crash nearly immediately after startup.... I don't have any way of capturing the screen, but here are the last few lines: ---------------- Uhub1 at usb1 Uhub1: Intel UHCI root hub, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1 Uhub1: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered Uhci2 at pci0 dev 29 function 2 "Intel 82801DB USB" rev 0x03: irq 10 Uvm_fault(0xd0gga340, 0x0, 0, 1) -> e Fatal page fault in supervisor mode Trap type 6 code 0 eip d02ceebf cs 50 eflags 10202 cr2 4 cpl 40 Panic: trap type 6, code=0, pc=d02ceebf The operating system has halted. Press any key to reboot. ---------------- The hardware is fine, I've done a test install of Windows XP and Fedora Core 5 on it both of which installed and ran fine... I've been meaning to play with and learn Fedore, so I suppose I could live with it, but frankly I'd rather run OpenBSD... Any ideas as to what this error means and what caused it? Better yet, is there any way to work around it? Thanks, Peter