On 18/03/2025 08:30, David Uhden Collado wrote: > If you're looking for a Unix-like operating system written in Rust, you might > want to check out Redox OS [1].
There is also the Ironclad kernel and Gloire OS written in Ada. "https://github.com/Ironclad-Project/Gloirehttps://github.com/Ironclad-Project/Gloire" That said, I think adding drivers or other > platform-specific components written in Rust (as Linux is doing) could be a > good > idea. For some reason Rust has garnered support I guess due to Mozilla, Microsoft and Google. In actuality Ada is the best language for writing drivers and network protocols and cryptography due to it's type system and record (struct) specification representation. As well as being designed from the outset to reduce long term project and maintenance costs. Zig might be a good choice for those who really love C. I'm not sure if Rust is helping or increasing the maintenance burden on Linux? I expect it's the latter. "https://learn.adacore.com/courses/intro-to-embedded-sys-prog/chapters/low_level_programming.html#specifying-representation"