Hello again,

Has anyone encountered a similar issue or have any insights on potential
debugging approaches? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Looking forward to your thoughts.

Best regards,

On Thu, Mar 6, 2025 at 1:28 PM Samuel Jayden <samueljaydan1...@gmail.com>

> Hello OpenBSD,
> I am experiencing a peculiar issue with a device in which I use a Sierra
> Wireless EM7455(*) LTE module that I have converted to MBIM mode. I have
> also disabled umsm by entering config -e -f /bsd.
> Most of the time, the umb status on my device appears as *"SIM not
> inserted PIN required,"* even though a SIM card is physically inserted.
> The only scenario in which I achieve success is after rebooting the device.
> However, rebooting is not a guaranteed solution—sometimes, it takes 4-5
> consecutive reboots before umb0 becomes functional.
> How can I debug this issue?
> For further context, I have also swapped out the LTE module with another
> unit, yet I observe the same behavior across 5-6 different devices of the
> same make and model.
> *P.S.* The device has a single LTE module but dual SIM slots.
> (*)
> addr 03: 1199:9071 Sierra Wireless, Incorporated, Sierra Wireless EM7455
> Qualcomm Snapdragon X7 LTE-A super speed, power 126 mA, config 1, rev 0.06
> , iSerial LF10770712011033 driver: umb0 driver: ugen0
> Also dmesg is attached via this email.
> Thanks in advance.

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