On Sat, Feb 15, 2025 at 07:30:02AM +0100, Karl Jonsson wrote:


> uaudio0 at uhub1 port 5 configuration 1 interface 1
> "\M-*\M-*\M-*\M-*\M-*\M-*\M-n\M-n\M-n\M-n\M-n\M-n\M-n\M-n\M-~\M^?\M^?\M^?\M^?\M^?\M^?\M^?\M^?\M^?\M^?\M^?\M-?\M-_\M-o\M-w\M-{
> GO link Max UAC1" rev 2.00/1.01 addr 3
> uaudio_process_ac: ifnum = 0, 185 bytes to process
> uaudio_process_header: version 0x100
> 01: in, nch = 2, term = 0x101, assoc = 0
> 03: feature id = 1, nch = 2, size = 1
>     mute[-1]
> uaudio_req: type = 0xa1, req = 0x82, val = 0x200, index = 0x300, size = 2
> uaudio_req: type = 0xa1, req = 0x83, val = 0x200, index = 0x300, size = 2
> uaudio_req: type = 0xa1, req = 0x84, val = 0x200, index = 0x300, size = 2
> [-16256:0]/128 (16257 vals)
>     level[-1]
> uaudio_req: type = 0xa1, req = 0x82, val = 0x201, index = 0x300, size = 2
> uaudio_req: type = 0xa1, req = 0x83, val = 0x201, index = 0x300, size = 2
> uaudio_req: type = 0xa1, req = 0x84, val = 0x201, index = 0x300, size = 2
> [-16256:0]/128 (16257 vals)
>     level[0]
> uaudio_req: type = 0xa1, req = 0x82, val = 0x202, index = 0x300, size = 2
> uaudio_req: type = 0xa1, req = 0x83, val = 0x202, index = 0x300, size = 2
> uaudio_req: type = 0xa1, req = 0x84, val = 0x202, index = 0x300, size = 2
> [-16256:0]/128 (16257 vals)
>     level[1]
> 04: out, id = 3, nch = 2, term = 0x301, assoc = 0
> uaudio0: units list:
> 01: input <dac>, dest = 03 <dac>
> 03: feature <dac>, src = 01 <dac>, dst = 04 <output>, cls = 0
> 04: output <output>, source = 03 <dac>
> uaudio0: mixer controls:
> 03:    dac.level
> 03:    dac.level[0]
> 03:    dac.level[1]
> 03:    dac.mute
> uaudio_process_conf: stop altnum 0, ifnum 1
> uaudio_process_as_ep: addr = 0x1, sync/data, maxpktsz = 582, ival = 4
> uaudio_process_as_ep: addr = 0x1, sync/data, maxpktsz = 582, ival = 4
> uaudio_process_conf: skipped iface
> uaudio_process_conf: claim: 1 at 1
> uaudio_process_conf: claim: 1 at 1
> uaudio_process_conf: claim: ac 0 at 0
> 00: <outputs>, next = -1, prev = -1, class = -1
> 01: <inputs>, next = -1, prev = -1, class = -1
> uaudio_req: type = 0xa1, req = 0x81, val = 0x201, index = 0x300, size = 2
> uaudio_req: type = 0xa1, req = 0x81, val = 0x202, index = 0x300, size = 2
> 02: <dac>, next = -1, prev = -1, class = 0, nch = 2, delta = 1, val = 255 255
> uaudio_req: type = 0xa1, req = 0x81, val = 0x100, index = 0x300, size = 1
> 03: <dac_mute>, next = -1, prev = -1, class = 0, members: off(=0)
> on(=1), val = 0
> 4 controls
> alts:
> mode = play, ifnum = 1, altnum = 2, addr = 0x1, maxpkt = 582, sync =
> 0x0, nch = 2, fmt = s24le3, rates: 44100 48000 88200 96000
> mode = play, ifnum = 1, altnum = 1, addr = 0x1, maxpkt = 582, sync =
> 0x0, nch = 2, fmt = s16le2, rates: 44100 48000 88200 96000
> parameters:
> pchan = 2, s24le3, rchan = 0, s0le0, rates: 44100 48000 88200 96000
> pchan = 2, s16le2, rchan = 0, s0le0, rates: 44100 48000 88200 96000
> uaudio0: class v1, full-speed, sync, channels: 2 play, 0 rec, 3 ctls

In your previous mail, the device appeared as:

> uaudio0: class v2, high-speed, async, channels: 2 play, 0 rec, 3 ctls

Different class, different speed, different sync mode, which
corresponds to a very different device. This is very surprising to me.

Could you try to figure-out what makes this difference? (ex. try
different USB ports/hubs, tweak switches if any, plug/unplug audio
jacks, reboot with the device plugged/unplugged, etc).

Then, make it attach as "high-speed" and send me the resulting dmesg.

> audio1 at uaudio0
> uhidev0 at uhub1 port 5 configuration 1 interface 2
> "\M-*\M-*\M-*\M-*\M-*\M-*\M-n\M-n\M-n\M-n\M-n\M-n\M-n\M-n\M-~\M^?\M^?\M^?\M^?\M^?\M^?\M^?\M^?\M^?\M^?\M^?\M-?\M-_\M-o\M-w\M-{
> GO link Max UAC1" rev 2.00/1.01 addr 3

These strings are very strange as well.

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