Thank you, it was a faulty snmpd_metrics


> On 16 Jan 2025, at 13:30, Martijn van Duren <> 
> wrote:
> Just installed a fresh OpenBSD 7.6 machine and created >64 interfaces
> with:
> i=0; while [ $i -le 80 ]; do doas ifconfig trunk$i create; i=$((i+1)); done
> Doing a full run gives me the following:
> openbsd76$ snmp walk -v2c -cpublic pfifdescr | wc -l                
>      92
> So the fix seems to be working for me with the testcase presented to
> me prior. Without a proper testcase I can't debug this issue
> unfortunately. Some things you could look at:
> - Do you have a faulty snmpd_metrics installed (try to recompile and
>  install it)
> - Do all interfaces still show up in pfctl?
> - Do interfaces of another type (e.g. trunk as my test above) show
>  up above the 64 entry limit?
> - Does the bug also show up on another machine?
> martijn@
> On Wed, 2025-01-15 at 09:58 +0100, Marc Boisis wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Yesterday updated my router to 7.6 and the 64 interfaces limit reappeared.
>> I downloaded the 7.6 sources , and the  patch on 
>> libexec/snmpd/snmpd_metrics/pf.c is applied correctly.
>> So the bug has moved elsewhere.. but where ?
>> Marc
>>> On 11 Jun 2024, at 17:41, Martijn van Duren 
>>> <> wrote:
>>> moving to tech@
>>> On Tue, 2024-06-11 at 15:38 +0200, Marc Boisis wrote:
>>>> Like Kapetanakis I have the 64 interface desc empty:
>>>>> snmpget -v2c -c public OPENBSD-PF-MIB::pfIfDescr.64
>>>> OPENBSD-PF-MIB::pfIfDescr.64 = STRING:
>>>> So can we imagine a limit of 64 interfaces in the snmp (snmpd_metrics) 
>>>> code ?
>>> Ah, you're limited to 64 interfaces in total. From your mail I thought
>>> 64 physical plus a handful of carp and that the problem was limited to
>>> vlan specifically.
>>> You're right that it's an snmpd_metrics bug, which was fixed by sashan@
>>> in pfctl's pfctl_table.c r1.85 back in 2022. Important parts of
>>> that diff adjusted for snmpd_metrics below.
>>> martijn@
>>>>> On 11 Jun 2024, at 14:34, Martijn van Duren 
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, 2024-06-11 at 14:56 +0300, Kapetanakis Giannis wrote:
>>>>>> On 10/06/2024 18:43, Marc Boisis wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> I've a 7.5 openBSD router, when I'm asking OPENBSD-PF-MIB I have only 
>>>>>>> 64  physicals and carp interfaces but not my 45 vlan interfaces.
>>>>>>> My /etc/snmpd.conf
>>>>>>> ROOT:amdrg2:/root > cat /etc/snmpd.conf
>>>>>>> listen on snmpv2c
>>>>>>> read-only community public
>>>>>>> "pfctl -sI" list all interfaces (carp and vlan).
>>>>>>> Is there a setting or a limit to configure to see vlan interfaces in  
>>>>>>> OPENBSD-PF-MIB and especialy in OPENBSD-PF-MIB::pfIfTable ?
>>>>>>> Ps: In openbsd 6.5, OPENBSD-PF-MIB::pfIfTable contain all interfaces
>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>> Marc
>>>>>> Indeed.
>>>>>> snmpwalk -v2c -c xxxxxx localhost OPENBSD-PF-MIB::pfIfDescr | wc -l
>>>>>> 64
>>>>>> pfctl -sI | wc -l
>>>>>> 99 (groups included)
>>>>>> ifconfig | grep flags | wc -l
>>>>>> 85
>>>>>> that is on 7.5 release.
>>>>>> snmpwalk is showing only "vlan" and not the vlan interfaces. That is 
>>>>>> probably the group vlan.
>>>>>> There is also an empty one at the end.
>>>>>> OPENBSD-PF-MIB::pfIfDescr.63 = STRING: vlan
>>>>>> OPENBSD-PF-MIB::pfIfDescr.64 = STRING: 
>>>>>> G
>>>>> $ snmp walk -v2c -cpublic pfIfDescr | wc -l  
>>>>>    15
>>>>> $ doas pfctl -sI | wc -l                             
>>>>>    15
>>>>> pfIfDescr.13 = STRING: vlan
>>>>> pfIfDescr.14 = STRING: vlan6
>>>>> I'm not seeing it. I'm willing to dig into this, but without giving me a
>>>>> way to reproduce saying "me too" isn't going to help.
>>>>> martijn@
>>> diff 1731179d99a5114f9b9915e3a010e72b1f0fbc81 
>>> 9b5c5bd8d05986f0a92077f6229f4f197aaf9b92
>>> commit - 1731179d99a5114f9b9915e3a010e72b1f0fbc81
>>> commit + 9b5c5bd8d05986f0a92077f6229f4f197aaf9b92
>>> blob - a4b60962e324d5e8e0fd48353241656a72b448fa
>>> blob + 8dfe88a217e8bd505edf6e3611ec55ecb414d494
>>> --- libexec/snmpd/snmpd_metrics/pf.c
>>> +++ libexec/snmpd/snmpd_metrics/pf.c
>>> @@ -210,11 +210,11 @@ pfi_get(struct pfr_buffer *b, const char *filter)
>>>     bzero(b, sizeof(struct pfr_buffer));
>>>     b->pfrb_type = PFRB_IFACES;
>>>     for (;;) {
>>> -           pfr_buf_grow(b, b->pfrb_size);
>>> +           pfr_buf_grow(b, 0);
>>>             b->pfrb_size = b->pfrb_msize;
>>>             if (pfi_get_ifaces(filter, b->pfrb_caddr, &(b->pfrb_size)))
>>>                     return (1);
>>> -           if (b->pfrb_size <= b->pfrb_msize)
>>> +           if (b->pfrb_size < b->pfrb_msize)
>>>                     break;
>>>     }

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