Hello Marc,

I don't have access to such a machine, but my vlan interfaces do show up
for me. Could you try and find a reproducer?


On Mon, 2024-06-10 at 17:43 +0200, Marc Boisis wrote:
> Hello,
> I've a 7.5 openBSD router, when I'm asking OPENBSD-PF-MIB I have only 64  
> physicals and carp interfaces but not my 45 vlan interfaces.
> My /etc/snmpd.conf
> ROOT:amdrg2:/root > cat /etc/snmpd.conf
> listen on snmpv2c
> read-only community public
> "pfctl -sI" list all interfaces (carp and vlan).
> Is there a setting or a limit to configure to see vlan interfaces in  
> OPENBSD-PF-MIB and especialy in OPENBSD-PF-MIB::pfIfTable ?
> Ps: In openbsd 6.5, OPENBSD-PF-MIB::pfIfTable contain all interfaces
> Regards
> Marc

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