On 3.12.2024 02:06, Gwen Nelson wrote:
I'm setting up a pubnix server for LGBT people running the best OS
of course) and was wondering if it'd be acceptable to display puffy
a pride flag on the project's website as a logo.
Apart from below info you are hitting trigger right here:
in particular line:
Be as politics-free as possible; solutions should be decided on the
basis of technical merit.
See attached - I'm not sure if the puffy artwork is licensed to allow
kind of modification.
Every artwork has its author
This may probably help answer you as well
I promise it's for a good cause and in good taste, the server has rules
against people doing illegal stuff and being abusive etc, it's also
invite-only and I'll ban anyone who's an asshole. The main purpose of
project is to build a community, similar to services such as sdf.org or
tildeverse - I've found most people tend to default to Linux or NetBSD
felt OpenBSD is the superior option for my project.
Naturally I'll give appropriate attribution too.
I'm not subscribed to the list and looking for an official response, so
also sending this to Theo.
You guys have my utmost respect for creating such a beautiful clean yet
functional and secure OS.
Should there be any issues with this, please advise - as I said, the
project and all involved have my utmost respect.
Best regards