On Tue, Oct 29, 2024 at 12:26:54PM +0100, Christian Schulte wrote:
> On 10/28/24 22:53, Anon Loli wrote:
> > On Mon, Oct 28, 2024 at 05:35:47PM +0100, Christian Schulte wrote:
> >> On 10/24/24 03:01, Mike Larkin wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Every one of us who has worked in this area, at this level, has read those
> >>> 800+ page documents. Sometimes they are many thousands of pages (eg the 
> >>> latest
> >>> Intel SDM or latest ACPI spec).
> >>>
> >>> Tell us what you are doing and what you want to know and maybe we can 
> >>> point
> >>> you to the right docs, but there is no short-cutting reading the reference
> >>> manuals.
> >>>
> >>
> >> I would really like to understand why this architecture stood the test
> >> of time. Just because it boots in 8 bit CPU mode from the 70ties not
> >> even capable of beating a 6502? Just because developers were not
> >> continuously forced to throw away all knowledge and could build upon it?
> >> Seems to be the reason. Intel tried to throw away legacy burdens and got
> >> set straight by AMD. I am currently approaching page 4000 of
> >> documentation. Shaking heads. Unbelievable. What I am lacking so far is
> >> a current PCI bus specification. This seems to not be available to non
> >> members who I am certainly not. Coming from a hardware background,
> >> documents like this
> >>
> >> <https://www.intel.sg/content/dam/doc/datasheet/io-controller-hub-10-family-datasheet.pdf>
> >>
> >> clearly were a waste of time, at least when your goal is not to produce
> >> mainboards. Well. Normally you would program devices directly. It even
> >> contains write-once-by-firmware registers. It will take some time for me
> >> to understand the reasoning behind this. Not questioning there are no
> >> reasons for doing it that way. I am just trying to make me stop hating
> >> that architecture. I am still failing at this task but I would like to
> >> overcome this. At least it has linear address space. Oh. What a wonder.
> >> Every 68k had this decades ago. Oh sorry. Your comments are very helpful
> >> to me so far so thank you. Because the machine independent parts in the
> >> kernel really are abstractions of formerly machine dependent parts,
> >> understanding the worst case of those - namely x86 and amd64 - will help
> >> me understand those. I am still in the process of reading x86/amd64
> >> documentation even if it make me shake my head every so often.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> -- 
> >> Christian
> > 
> > I just wrote a whole big-ass e-mail about how hardware has been shit for
> > decades now.
> > I do not feel like rewriting all of it right now.... it was a genius e-mail.
> > 
> > I fucking hate when my e-mail client goes bananas because it's terminal 
> > based.
> > Fuck escape sequences and stupid retarded Unix.
> > When do escape sequences actually work as intended? When?
> > 
> > Anyways suckless.org rocks, and should be implied to hardware.
> > 
> > Open Source is Insufficient to Solve Trust Problems in Hardware
> > https://youtube.com/watch?v=Hzb37RyagCQ
> > 
> > How do you know the hardware in front of you actually conforms to the 
> > hardware
> > design you might or might not have?
> > You can't, it's not like software, at least you can't with existing 
> > hardware,
> > watch the video.
> > 
> > Mud towers build on mud foundation are still mud and will collapse under 
> > mud.
> > 
> > This was more-less the important stuff
> > Fuck I hate re-writing emails fuck me!
> > 
> Fuck. Ass. Genius. You maybe want to watch the Youtube Channels of Ben
> Eater [1] or James Sharman [2] for a starting point talking about
> hardware and how to build a CPU from scratch using bread boards. Fuck.
> Ass. Genius. Then start reading about what microelectronics is about or
> even get a degree in microelectronics. Fuck. Ass. Genius.
> [1] <https://www.youtube.com/@BenEater/playlists>
> [2] <https://www.youtube.com/@weirdboyjim/playlists>
> -- 
> Christian

Since I am autistic, I have trouble understanding when exactly someone is
making fun of me or what tone they are using, especially trough text.
For the sake of friendliness I shall assume that you said all of that in good
spirit and were not condescending.

I knew about Ben Eater for many years, I am extremely interested in
microelectronics.. I am also interested in chemistry and creating your own
transistors and stuff - silicon, etc. ... but that stuff FOR NOW is
Did not know about James Sharman, though.

There was a dude whomst I forgot about; he created his own RISC-V CPU and
hardware around it - motherborad, even add-in PCI-like daughterboards for stuff
like VGA and keyboard support if I remember correctly.
That computer was a intelligent multi-story, stacked tower - great design,
keeps things separated, cool-looking and organized.

And if I were to create something usable, I shall write a super ultra-simple
guide on how to do it yourself - DIY - unlike best of best manual pages *cough*
So almost everyone could make such a thing at their own home, perhaps not the
FPGA itself (which I plan on preferring), but everything around it?

I am unsure of the complexity of working with FPGAs - software or hardware
I admit my lack of such, but not knowing has never before stopped me from
learning, and it shall not stop you.

Like said - we have a lot of existing CPU architectures and other designs, and
we can extract the best of the best from everything, and combine everything
into something just beautiful!

Okay, I browsed the James Sharman's YT channel, and just by reading the video
titles - I got extremely excited!
The moment I read "Storage (SD Card Support)...", I remembered that there
exist web-siteS that explain how you can add support to an >>FPGA<< from
storage stuff (SD, HDD, SSD), to networking, etc., which is more valuable than
fucking gold!

Holy shit if I don't archive their web-sites and all media they have, that
stuff cannot be allowed to stop existing!!

Since I extremely-extremely love problem solving - creating and debugging
hardware ought to be fun!
I cannot wait to spent 5 hours figuring out how I missed 1 resistor or whatever

Anyways - assuming you were serious and nice to me - fuck genius ass or rather
geniuses fuck good ass?

Anon Loli
This mortal strives for omnisciency. Some tags: perfectionist, minimalist,
researcher, scientist, philosopher, developer, autist, anarchist, data hoarder,
99 other tags and interests.

I am always up for conversing as long as you meet these requirements:
1. Use PGP encryption for all data shared,
2. Use a open source operating system, NOT Windows, NOT MacOS,
3. Have a open mind - are ready to let go of any and all imperfect views on
  anything, if they are.
Let's change this world for the better, one action at a time

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