hello,thanks Jan for the URL:
https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=95080825917571&w=2From: Theo de Raadt
<deraadt () cvs ! openbsd ! org>Date: 2000-02-17 17:23:36> Basically,
noone should be irreplaceable; if someone is, their part> of a project dies
when they stop paying attention to it, for whatever> reason. When the person is
in charge of a project, someone needs to> be able to replace him in enough
capacity to at least allow others to> do the actual work...Theo: Mostly taken
care of. A few people are sloppy in that respect. Butit mostly holds
together.Theo wanted to say there is a plan? That was 24 years ago. other:-
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_man%27s_switch#Software- Linus is slowly
getting gray-haired, sad. People are getting older. Yes, maybe gregkh would
take over? https://github.com/torvalds/linux/graphs/contributors- Who is the
owner of the OpenBSD.org domain? will it be stolen if the owner cannot renew
it?Thanks.Feladó: Jan Johansson <unspoiled.rout...@wenf.org>Dátum: 2024 október
22 09:05:22Tárgy: Re: long-running future of OpenBSDCímzett:
misc@openbsd.orginfoomatic <infooma...@gmx.at> wrote:> I will let someone of
the project answer this. However, what you> describe is also known as "bus
factor", see [1].>> [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bus_factorFor the exact
problem of buses, it was answered some 20+ years