> Am 14.10.2024 um 04:58 schrieb Chris Ross <cross+open...@distal.com>:
>> On Sep 3, 2024, at 16:48, Chris Ross <cross+open...@distal.com> wrote:
>>> On Sep 3, 2024, at 10:28, Mike Fischer <fischer+o...@lavielle.com> wrote:
>>> There are two parts to this:
>>> - The IPv6 prefix.
>>> - The IID.
>>> The changes of the IPv6 prefix are generally triggered from the outside 
>>> (Internet provider). So here some mechanism to notify about changes would 
>>> be nice.
> Okay.   Many weeks later and I have a related question.  I’m away from the 
> “switching between routers” phase, and just have the one ever.  But, the IPv6 
> network it advertises can change when my upstream delegates me a new one (via 
> DHCPv6 IA_PD).
> Looking, I think devd will let me monitor for this in FreeBSD 14, but not 13, 
> and not other OSes.  It looks like dhcpleasectl may be able to do this for me 
> in OpenBSD.  But, I haven’t found anything portable.
> So, I’m looking into writing a daemon that can be notified when the IPv6 
> network/address changes on an interface.  But, I can’t yet find a portable 
> way.  It looks like a PF_NETLINK socket can do this on FreeBSD and Linux, but 
> that is not available in OpenBSD (7.5).  How can I register interest in the 
> address changes on a network interface in OpenBSD?  Can this be done with 
> PF_LINK or PF_ROUTE?  (Just thinking randomly)
> Obviously, polling is an option, but I’d rather be notified by the kernel 
> when I need to.

I think the suggestion made by Florian Obser earlier in this thread makes a lot 
of sense.

And if you want to get away from scripting and directly interface with the 
notifications, the source code of the route(8) command would probably be a good 
place to look for how this is done.

I’d be interested in what you come up with.


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