Does this mean that the /dev/null problem I've been chasing can't be solved

without the maintainer's intervention?

On 8/23/24 01:06, Страхиња Радић wrote:
I use httpd(8), since a static website server is enough for my use
cases, so I tried creating a fresh installation of OpenBSD 7.5 in a VM
to test this. It seems that lighttpd doesn't work out of the box on
OpenBSD 7.5, and this is something for the maintainer of lighttpd port
to take a look at, privsep in particular.

After running *on clean install*:

        # pkg_add lighttpd
        # rcctl -df start lighttpd

it complains about not being able to find "server.upload-dirs" with the
value of "/var/www/var/tmp". After modifying /etc/lighttpd.conf to
include the line

        server.upload-dirs = ("/run")

(since there is a /var/www/run directory by default), lighttpd again
refuses to start, this time leaving output in /var/www/logs/error.log,
about not being able to open /dev/null. After running

        # cd /var/www
        # mkdir dev
        # cd dev
        # sh /dev/MAKEDEVS std

there is /var/www/dev/null with the ownership of root:wheel and
permissions 666 (rw-rw-rw-), but this time lighttpd reports "Device not
configured" for /dev/null.

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