Lighttpd is running as the _lighttpd user, not as root.
Sent from a phone, apologies for poor formatting.
On 21 August 2024 21:19:20 David Colburn <> wrote:
What do I do about the error.log problem?
I'm running as root - so a permissions problem would seem impossible.
Unless lighttpd is changing the User from root to something else ...
NOTE: I did observe that the new User I added, dmc1, wasn't in Wheel
(just added it).
I'm not sure how lighttpd knows dmc1 is even there - I believe that
lighttpd was installed as root -
before I added the dmc1 user.
On 8/21/24 14:37, David Colburn wrote:
Sorry about the old error.log - I didn't even look at the date or
time. My bad.
Keeping locals updated about an escaped inmate atm ...
I did notice in /etc/group "_lighttpd:*585:" - is that correct and in
any way relevant?
On 8/21/24 14:25, Stuart Henderson wrote:
On 2024/08/21 14:02, David Colburn wrote:
"$ cat /var/www/dev/null"
Returns to the prompt.
Here's this ...
b7# rcctl -d start lighttpd
doing _rc_parse_conf
lighttpd_flags empty, using default >-f /etc/lighttpd.conf<
doing rc_check
doing rc_start
doing _rc_wait_for_start
doing rc_check
2024-08-21 13:59:01:
opening errorlog 'logs/error.log' failed: Permission denied
Well that is failing on writing /var/www/logs/error.log
2024-08-21 13:59:01:
Opening errorlog failed. Going down.
daemonized server failed to start; check error log for details
doing _rc_rm_runfile
And ...
2024-08-13 22:29:37:
opening /dev/null failed: No such file or directory
2024-08-13 22:29:37:
Opening errorlog failed. Going down.
And that is old
On 8/21/24 12:46, Stuart Henderson wrote:
On 2024/08/21 12:11, David Colburn wrote:
On 2024/08/21 10:21, David Colburn wrote:
1. I've read the manual entry, and multiple threads related to
this, more than once.
2. The “chroot location” as defined in /etc/lighttpd.conf. is
unchanged - /var/www
3. Someone suggested, and I also tried "/var/www/" - same error.
4. As previously noted - Stuart's answer was tested on a clean,
unmodified, lighttpd.conf.
5. As previously noted I also tried removing "nodev" from
/etc/fstab on line "/var ffs
rw,nosuid 1 2"
Did you either reboot or remount /var after changing this?
Yes. Reboot.
Try this:
$ cat /var/www/dev/null
It should just return to the prompt (same as "cat /dev/null").
If it says "Device not configured" then for some reason it still
seems to be mounted with nodev. (Or check "mount | grep /var")..
If that test works, what's the output from
# rcctl -d start lighttpd
and what, if any, new entries in lighttpd's error log do you have?