correction: no one with a great deal of money seems to care. ;)
I've been following the thread, and once I saw it on slashdot I got
off my lazy
ass and donated what little I could right now (more to come, but on a
student salary, I can't donate what companies can).
I really hate prolonging this thread, but I'm curious about the
I've done quite bit of contract work around my area, and in most
cases I've been
able to implement OpenBSD for something. Whenever that's happened,
I've always
pushed for the company to make a donation. In most cases it's worked
all that I can think of), resulting in (usually) around $500. It's
not what the
larger companies could do, but I'm curious if other contractors try
to push
donations when they utilize openbsd/openssh. All the companies I've
worked with
have been fairly receptive.
On Mar 23, 2006, at 9:34 PM, Aaron Glenn wrote:
On 3/23/06, Edd Barrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Just an idea, but why not try to have this conversation linked to on
slashdot / digg. There is huge traffic to these sites from the linux
community, who all owe the OpenBSD developers for OpenSSH.
No one seems to care (unless donations have shot up and Theo, et. al.
haven't mentioned it)