--- Deanna Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That said, I think a wall of shame page on the OpenSSH site
> might be a good idea: one listing all those big companies
> mentioned that have never donated a dime.  Negative PR might
> result in more donations than managers receiving the minor
> annoyance message forwarded to them, which they'll simply delete
> and forget about.

Too bad openSSH couldn't just require a license fee for openSSH to
be included in OS's besides openBSD that are sold for money.  This would
include corporate use as well.  So if IBM wanted to include openSSH
in one of its products sold to someone, they would have to pay openSSH
to include it in their product or kick back to the openSSH team some percentage
of the revenue generated by that product.  

Of course, the license would have to be written so the openSSH team is not
obligated to do support.  If IBM wanted their employees to use openSSH, they
would have to pay a site license fee.  Of course, home users (non-business) and
universities would be excluded.
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