Thanks all for your thoughts. Regarding the remote serial console access, unfortunately, it is not possible in my case. I do not have IPMI or something similar :(
On Mon, 27 May 2024 at 08:17, Manuel Giraud <> wrote: > Stefan Kreutz <> writes: > > > Can you access the machine's serial console, maybe redirected over IP? > > I concur that a remote serial console access (maybe via a web interface > serviced by your provider) is your best option here. > > I used to do (almost) FDE without console access but here is list of > drawbacks/requirements: > > - It is not really FDE because / was not encrypted > > - It required patching /etc/rc with the patch at the end of this > message > > - The "/root/sshd" from this patch is a self-contained sshd > without the need of any external library. It is *not* a copy > of /usr/sbin/sshd and you have to compile it yourself (and I > don't remenber how) > > > Best regards, > -- > Manuel Giraud >