Stefan Kreutz <> writes:

> Can you access the machine's serial console, maybe redirected over IP?

I concur that a remote serial console access (maybe via a web interface
serviced by your provider) is your best option here.

I used to do (almost) FDE without console access but here is list of

        - It is not really FDE because / was not encrypted
        - It required patching /etc/rc with the patch at the end of this
        - The "/root/sshd" from this patch is a self-contained sshd
          without the need of any external library.  It is *not* a copy
          of /usr/sbin/sshd and you have to compile it yourself (and I
          don't remenber how)

--- rc.orig	Wed Jul 27 15:23:24 2011
+++ /etc/rc	Thu Jul 28 15:28:28 2011
@@ -294,8 +294,18 @@
 		exit 1
-		echo "Automatic file system check failed; help!"
-		exit 1
+		echo "Automatic file system check failed; help (from outterspace)!"
+		ifconfig em0 a.b.c.d netmask
+		route -qn add default a.b.c.1
+		mount -uw /
+		/root/sshd -De \
+			-o PasswordAuthentication=no \
+			-o ChallengeResponseAuthentication=no \
+			-o UsePrivilegeSeparation=no \
+			-o UseDNS=no
+		mount -ur /
+		route -qn flush
+		ifconfig em0 down delete
 		echo "Boot interrupted."
Best regards,
Manuel Giraud

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