Hi Philip,

On Tue May 14 19:40:04 2024 Philip Guenther wrote:
> If you like, you could try the following patch to pax to more gracefully
> handle filesystems with time resolution more granular than nanoseconds.

After applying your patch, as I'd done before reporting the issue, I
sycronized my home directory to an external ext2fs drive with the
command showed by the man page:

  $ pax -rw -v -Z -Y source target

This time only one file stays updating again an again, a soft link I
have in my ~/bin folder of /usr/local/bin/prename.  I tried the command
Stuart Henderson taught me in that file:

$ stat -f %Fm /usr/local/bin/prename

... no sub-second timestamp, like happens when I run the same stat
comand with the files in the ext2fs drive.  I ran stat with other files
under /usr/local, same result, I end noticing that /usr/local is the
only partition mounted with the wxallowed option.

I wish my guessing info will be useful. :-)  Let me know what more I can
do to help.

> The whitespace will presumably be mauled by gmail so use patch's -l option.

Some lines in the diff arrived wrapped but I corrected them and could
apply the patch.  Gmail has an well hidden option :-), if you open your
account from your browser you can configure it to send in plain text.
You have to click in Compose, then in the compose window go to the last
icon in the bottom right (with a vertical ellipis) hovering with your
mouse says "More options", click and you'll see there the "Plain Text"
option, select it and the option stays saved.  I don't use gmail since a
long time, I had to investigate this tired of friends sending me the
HTML copy of all their messages.

> Philip Guenther


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