--- Gustavo Rios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Does anybody have a soekris box and would like to give a shell
> account
> for some testing?
> I am considering to buy one for me, but i would like, previously, to
> be able to feel what it is like.

What sort of testing?  About feelings, it depends on what is installed
and how it is installed.  You can use, for instance, a compact flash
card, a 3.5" (laptop) hard drive, or a combination of these (I think). 
I am running on only a 128 MB CF card so it is difficult to have a full
install (I don't have full functionality but today's affordable large
capacity CF cards make full installs possible).  Flash allows me to
unplug the unit any time and not worry about disk problems.  Typically
the Soekris is used for some kind of gateway but you cannot expect it
to handle a large network since it has resource limitations (cpu, ram).
 So these are some examples of the differences you may encounter. 
Other than that, my system performs very well on a small lan and I am
very happy.  Here is my df:

Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/wd0a      118M   21.7M   90.0M    19%    /
mfs:30147      7.8M    100K    7.3M     1%    /tmp

Notice I am using a memory/RAM filesystem for any writing it needs to do.
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