--- marrandy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Thursday 23 March 2006 15:41, you wrote: > > > > Why isn't /var listed in MFS ? > > > > > > Logs etc > > > > # ls -lh /var > > lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 8B Dec 16 21:28 /var -> /tmp/var > > I was wondering if you had done something like that. > > Hows it holding up with only 7.8MB for both /tmp and /var ? > > Any crashes or anything ?
Nope. It's very stable. Currently, as my first post showed, I'm only using 100 kB of my MFS. All logs are sent to a remote station. Honestly I cannot find anything wrong with the Soekris. I realize it has its power/load limitations (which I have yet to challenge on my lan). Peter Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com