On 3/23/06, Theo de Raadt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > it would be interesting to know about how MUCH money donated
> > to the openbsd project you all are REALLY talking here...
> In the last month about 1/5th of what we need to run in a year
> has been donated.
> Sad, eh.  350 donation transactions in one month.  I had no idea
> that the OpenSSH deployment on the planet was that small.  I
> suspected it to be much higher:
>         http://openssh.com/usage/graphs.html

And it disgusts me that my employer, who has tons of installations of
OpenSSH using Redhat Linux, Cisco equipment, and Solaris, and for whom
$100,000 is a drop in the bucket, won't be bothered to spend $1 or to
use it's considerable influence to convince the aforementioned
companies to donate.  Until I hear otherwise from Marco or one of the
VPs at work, my disgust will remain.

I'm going to bring my efforts down a level or two, but much wider, and
see if I can get my fellow admins around the company to buy and


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