On Thursday 23 March 2006 15:54, you wrote: > > thankless? you sir, are the most thankless project leader > > i have ever seen in my life. > > We thank with code. We don't come shower people with nice words. > We write code.
Oh, dear. Frantisek, The dichotomies are only too obvious. As dumb as it may seem, pleasantries are what greases the wheels of human interaction. Nothing short of magical, what it can do. Speaking for myself, I used to be one arrogant son-of-a-bitch. Knew it all, or almost. One day a customer pointed out that my technical skills where superb, by my personal PR with his employees were so bad he did not want to use me. My immediate thought was screw him! But after a while I realized that I really LOVE producing solutions. I never cared if someone liked me or not. But that not caring got so bad that I got a bad reputation too. If people don't like me, helping them becomes so much harder to do. Never mind what it does to my income. I still don't care too much as long as I'm happy with me. But I temper that with evaluating what kinds of effects do I produce on people I get in contact with. I like to think people are doing and feeling better after I help them. That produces goodwill, and more income. Is this what you mean? -- Steve Szmidt "For evil to triumph all that is needed is for good men to do nothing. Edmund Burke