On Mar 23, 2006, at 1:23 PM, Theo de Raadt wrote:
it would be interesting to know about how MUCH money donated
to the openbsd project you all are REALLY talking here...
In the last month about 1/5th of what we need to run in a year
has been donated.
Sad, eh. 350 donation transactions in one month. I had no idea
that the OpenSSH deployment on the planet was that small. I
suspected it to be much higher:
I noticed that donations to OpenBSD "are not US tax deductible as
charitable contribution".
American companies would give you more money if it were. Of course
you know that already,
so this is not to suggest that you have not thought of it. Hopefully
it won't generate too much
anger if I ask.... why not? What keeps the OpenBSD project from
filing as a non-profit? Is it
the location (i.e. Canada)? I have a feeling this has been asked
before but I'm sure there
are new readers on this list (such as myself) that could benefit from
a repeated answer.