I have an OpenBSD server that hosts multiple services listening on
various ports (some projects have their own web server, some projects
require a reverse proxy, some projects just use httpd, etc.). This
server receives requests via relayd on a different server. I was hoping
to not insert relayd between every request to the host, but it's not the
end of the world if this is the only viable solution while using relayd.
The requests to relayd go to domains (e.g., www.example.com,
serviceone.example.com, servicetwo.example.com, etc.) for web services
(ports 80 and 443), but I cannot figure out a way to specify a port on
the target server to forward requests to when there are multiple ports
(e.g., www is on port 80, serviceone is on port 8080, servicetwo is on
port 44443, etc.). Running relayd -n does not report syntax errors when
there are multiple forward to rules for the same target server with
different ports in the relay block, but I can't find a way to specify
which request should go to which port.
Thank you,
- Relayd forward to multiple ports on one target host? Paul Pace