
I am unsure if this is the correct list for this to report, but there seems to 
be other mails regarding ports here, so...

I am facing issues with the port of the "micro" editor (written in go) on OBSD 
7.5. While the color handling was broken in 7.4, but otherwise the editor used 
to work, however now it doesn't even start:

vps$ uname -a
OpenBSD vps 7.5 GENERIC#79 amd64
vps$ pkg_info -Q micro
micro-2.0.13 (installed)
vps$ which micro
vps$ micro --version
Version: 2.0.13
Commit hash: 68d88b5
Compiled on Unknown
vps$ micro
function not implemented
Fatal: Micro could not initialize a Screen.

In 7.4 i was able to use the official build (which had working colors in 
terminal), but since 7.5 it doesn1t runs anymore: 



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