Hello frantisek, Thursday, March 23, 2006, 8:09:08 AM, you wrote:
fh> this is what i feel sometimes, and i think sometimes more of you do. fh> unfortunately there is no real community around openbsd. at least fh> i dont see one -- one where there are people without cvs commit. fh> if you don't have cvs commit, you are a nobody that's what misc@ fh> will teach any newcomer using iron and fire. i try to be part fh> of a community but the devs say you are nobody and should be glad fh> that you can use this stuff. fh> except when it comes to money. well, well. I'm an 'end user' of OpenBSD... running it on three servers. I consider myself a peripheral member of the OpenBSD community, whether anyone else does, or not. My primary contributions to the community, because I am pretty much a newbie, and not a user, are: 1) ask whatever questions I must, as intelligently as possible, and as I acquire more knowledge, to answer the questions that are posted to misc@ by newbies newer than myself, as accurately as possible, and... 2) contribute financially. I'm not in the least averse to throwing down some cash, for a product that does what it does as well as OpenBSD, and I am also perfectly willing to do as much homework as necessary... almost completely on my own... to really, really, really learn what I am doing, and eventually be in a position to actively contribute to the project substantially. I figure that when I have earned respect... it will be given. -wittig http://www.robertwittig.com/ . http://robertwittig.net/