How long I have been a user is irrelevant, to be honest. I resent the
overtones of elitism, of which it appears you are complaining about in

I am merely an enthusiast, but I make what contributions I can and I do
it because I personally feel it is the right thing to do. I have not
been brainwashed into it, I decided it for myself, when I realised what
I was getting for a measly GB#60 pa.

I'm not going to argue with you about it, our opinions differ and that
is that.

Best regards,


Support OpenBSD

frantisek holop wrote:
hmm, on Thu, Mar 23, 2006 at 03:52:54PM +0000, Craig said that
My oh my, that is an ill-informed rant, isn't it? Feel better now?

I'm not going to a bloat out the list by explaining to your bruised
ego, how you are wrong and have the wrong outlook in all of this.

Go figure it out for yourself.

may i inquire how long you've been with openbsd, sir?


> no, wait, i have "figured it out".
> """
> Firstly, I am fairly new to OpenBSD myself and so this advice does not
> stem from any vast experience,
> """
> i am so glad you chimed in with your insightful comment.
> go look up when my name first appeared in the openbsd mail archives,
> and then maybe we can talk.
> -f

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