2023-08-31 (Thu) 16:29 UTC -0500  <myml...@gmx.com>:

> I am setting an openbsd 7.3 stable system to serve files via ssh's sftp
> subsystem.
> Does openssh have a native way to audit what files were
> downloaded/uploaded with user/timestamp information?
> If not, are there any recommendations?

(I think you did not ask suggestions for the log parsing part but here is one 

This is what I have come up with Fluent Bit and OpenSSH portable on other OS:
    Name my_sftp_receiver
    Format regex
    Time_Key time
    Time_Format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z
    Regex ^\<(?<pri>[0-9]{1,5})\>(?<time>.+) (?<host>[^ ]*) (?<ident>[^ ]+): 
close "(?<filename>.+)" bytes read (?<dlsize>.*) written (?<ulsize>.*)$
    Types filename:string dlsize:int ulsize:int

My use case is to get triggered after succesful upload, so rest of the
Fluent Bit pipeline is set to do output action (HTTP POST) when
variable "ulsize" is greater than 0 and "filename" contains directory
path of special interest.

Hope this helps.


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