Any more update?

Beside FTPD having instead vsftpd like the ftp man one:

If enabled, two log files are generated in parallel, going by default
to /var/log/xferlog and /var/log/vsftpd.log. The former is a wu-ftpd
style transfer log, parseable by standard tools. The latter is vsftpd's
own style log. Default: NO

When enabled, all FTP requests and responses are logged, providing the
option xferlog_std_format is not enabled. Useful for debugging.
Default: NO

If enabled, then any log output which would have gone to
/var/log/vsftpd.log goes to the system log instead. Logging is done
under the FTPD facility. Default: NO

If enabled, a log file will be maintained detailling uploads and
downloads. By default, this file will be placed at /var/log/vsftpd.log,
but this location may be overridden using the configuration setting
vsftpd_log_file. Default: NO (but the sample config file enables it)

If enabled, the transfer log file will be written in standard xferlog
format, as used by wu-ftpd. This is useful because you can reuse
existing transfer statistics generators. The default format is more
readable, however. The default location for this style of log file is
/var/log/xferlog, but you may change it with the setting xferlog_file.
Default: NO

-- Daniele Bonini

"" <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am setting an openbsd 7.3 stable system to serve files via ssh's
> sftp subsystem.
> Does openssh have a native way to audit what files were
> downloaded/uploaded with user/timestamp information?
> If not, are there any recommendations?
> Thanks in advance.

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