Looking for advice on a usb scanner compatible with OpenBSD. I've checked the Sane project's web site, along with some of the scanners listed on eBay, and I have Linux compatibility on my obsd box. Have had good luck with linux printing on my fbsd box, but it's an old hp netserver without usb ports, so I'd like to hook a scanner to my obsd box. It's a piii with usb ports and a lot faster with more memory, too. The scanner would just about complete the list of things I need before being completely weaned off the Bill Gates financial support team. :-) I know the obsd os supports scanners, but I can't seem to find a good recommendation. I also don't understand a point concerning the ports. I have the entire src tree on a separate drive updated regularly with cvsup. Then I use cvs to update this particular box, src, ports, & xf4, which is running _3_8. Locate sane found /cvs/graphics/sane-frontends & backends, but it's not in my /usr/ports/graphics. Is this because I'm running _3_8 & not current, or could I be doing something wrong when I update my ports tree. I use the following: cvs -d$CVSROOT -q up -rOPENBSD_3_8 -Pd Everything appears to update fine when I run that command. The env variable, CVSROOT, is set properly. Also, I'm running a GENERIC kernel with very little change. I think the only change I did to it was to enable DUMMY_NOPS which it comments as recommended as a speed hack. Grep scanner for GENERIC shows: uscanner* at uhub? # USB Scanners usscanner* at uhub? # USB SCSI scanners, e.g., HP5300 scsibus* at usscanner? ss* at scsibus? # SCSI scanners So, just need some input on any luck anyone has had with usb scanners. Any input greatly appreciated. Denny White GnuPG key : 0x1644E79A | http://wwwkeys.nl.pgp.net Fingerprint: D0A9 AD44 1F10 E09E 0E67 EC25 CB44 F2E5 1644 E79A iD8DBQFEGXwXy0Ty5RZE55oRAmyTAJ9xu4Ioz2PGK38z1oi/PRlG82+nDgCfbt6Q UL7E9pV9MXT3eoLWYLWAXjQ= =In6C -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----