My budget is limited, and that one box will be cheaper than a lot of cheaper per unit boxes :) There will not be any user mail acounts, it will function as mail/spam/virus filter and then forward mails to pop3/imap server (which runs on windows) :D Existing windows server is dual 2.4ghz xeon. Now i have idea about switching those server roles, xeon as mailfilter, opteron as pop/imap :)
Sorry for offtopic here :)

Stuart Henderson wrote:
On 2006/03/15 08:24, edgarz wrote:

Maybe you can suggest optimal configuration for mail server?
It will be used for spam/virus filtering (~4000 mail accounts), proxy server (~100 clients). I think it's enought with 1CPU DL 145 system, but local dealer gives 2nd CPU for free for DL 385 :)

I won't make your decision for you, but can give you a few more things
to think about.

"Mail server for 4000 accounts": this could mean a lot of different
things: it could just be forwarding mail elsewhere, it could be
handling POP3 users downloading mail, it could be handling POP3/IMAP
users leaving mail on the server (or a mixture of all of these).
This makes a big difference. Webmail interfaces can also put a big
load on the box.

The total number of users is mostly important to planning storage
capacity. It's more useful to know the total number of concurrent users:
if 90% of the userbase checks their mail at 9AM, that is what you must
plan for.

A couple of pointers though:

If you don't want to take the box down to replace a failed hard drive,
the DL385 is a much better option.

If the box is just forwarding and isn't storing user data, maybe it's
better to have a couple of the smaller boxes and CARP them.

Hope this helps.

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